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What is the Best Time for Getting Pregnant

The period of ovulation within your menstrual cycle is the most suitable time to get pregnant. At this time, the follicles release a mature ovum, which then passes to the uterus. A mature ovum is one that is ready for fertilization, and it stays that way for about 12 hours. After that period, it starts to degenerate. Paying attention to your body and learning to spot the signs of ovulation is the best way to find out your most fertile time, as also the best time to get pregnant.
To evaluate the best time to get pregnant, it is important to know first when your ovulation is due. Once you have marked that, you can time your sexual intercourse accordingly and thus increase your chances of pregnancy.
Method 1 : One common method is to count the days. The method is to first work out when your next period is due. Count back 12 to 16 days. You will get the range of days of probable ovulation. Normally for women with a cycle of 28 days, the 14th day is often the best day to get pregnant. Therefore, it is it is most important to work out how long your cycle lasts, and to ascertain if you have relatively regular cycles.
Method 2 :Another method is to examine your cervical mucous. The work of the mucous is to nourish the sperm and to facilitate their passage on the way through the uterus and into the fallopian tubes where they will come into contact with the mature egg. Your cervical mucous changes texture and increases in volume as your cycle progresses. This goes with the rise of estrogen level in your body. When the mucous becomes clear, stretchy and slippery, with a consistency somewhat like the white of a raw egg, it is the best time to get pregnant.

Method 3 :
The third method is by keeping a record of your body temperature. However, it is not actually possible to pinpoint the best time to get pregnant. Your body’s basal temperature can rise by 0.5 to 1.6 degrees after ovulation, because of the increased production of progesterone. Generally, it is not possible to feel this rise, but a basal thermometer can measure it. The best time is probably just before the temperature peaks. Keeping a record of your basal temperature for a few months can help you to determine when you are ovulating. After that, you can plan to have sex 2 or 3 days before ovulation, as that increases your chances of getting pregnant. Another indication of ovulation is discomfort in the lower abdominal area. This condition is known as mittelschmerz, and can last anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours.Some women can feel this indication of ovulation as mild aches or twinges of pain.