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Breast Care Tips

Breast Care Tips during Pregnancy

During pregnancy the size of the bust increases. The breasts sometimes loose their firmness and the shape is changed. This change in size is not due to breastfeeding. But even if it does change because of breastfeeding one should be rest assured that the baby is getting what is best suited for him/her. The size of the breast remains increased till breastfeeding is carried on. Once feeding is stopped then the size returns back to the original size.

Women with smaller breasts will be happy to hear this and will not like to refrain from breastfeeding. The increase in bust size can be noticed immediately. The maximum increase takes place during the initial three months.

The size of the bust cannot be predicted during pregnancy. In some cases the enlargement is enormous. Women with smaller breasts can avoid wearing bra during pregnancy. But as the bust size increases bra should be worn so that they are well supported and stretch marks can also be avoided. Women with larger breasts should take care of their breasts and prevent the stretching of ligaments which might eventually lead to unshaped breasts. If proper care of the breasts is taken during pregnancy then feeding the baby also becomes easier. Let us see how proper care of the breasts can be taken.

Many women learn the technique of breastfeeding quite easily. Many find it difficult to feed their baby as they feel pain inn their breasts. This happens because proper care of the breasts was not taken during pregnancy. Actually breastfeeding is never painful. Improper feeding techniques lead to pain and discomfort. If one experiences discomfort during feeding the doctor should be consulted immediately or the help of a midwife can also be taken. If proper care of the breasts is not taken, then a number of problems can arise. Nipples tend to crack if the baby is not positioned correctly during feeding and care of the breasts is not taken. If we wear a bra with poor-fitting it can result in clogged ducts. The appearance of such problem should be avoided and even if it appears immediate help should be sought.

Let us how we can take care of our breasts during pregnancy so that we do not feel discomfort later on while breastfeeding. Inspection of the breasts should be done on a regular basis. Any changes in the colour and appearance should be taken seriously. If the breast creams does not suit the skin its application should be stopped without delay. The breasts should not be allowed to remain damp. Dampness leads to cracked nipples. If breast pump are used then the direction of using the pump in a proper manner should be followed. Excessive pumping should be avoided. The breasts should be washed only with water. The maternity or nursing bra should be of a good quality. The size should be checked properly. Taking a little time off from daily routine to care for the breasts will help in the long run.

 How to Increase Breast Milk Supply

It is a general concern with the mother that whether breastfeeding is meeting the nutrition requirement of the child or not. In some cases, breast may not supply milk. Below are tips which may help you solving this problem.

Tips for increasing breast milk supply

  • You can increase breast milk supply by frequently pumping or nursing. It can be done by nursing the baby frequently. You can feed your baby in every 2-3 hours.
  • You can also add pumping with the nursing of your child. Pumping after nursing the baby can also be done.
  • Feed your baby with both of the breasts. This would help in increase milk production.
  • It would be better to nurse the baby until he himself stops feeding or sleeps.
  • If for some reasons, you can not nurse your baby on breasts then it would be better to do double pumping through an electric pump. This should be done for 10-15 minutes. This helps in increasing Prolactin hormone level which is responsible for increasing milk production in the body.
  • Water intake also stimulates milk production. Make sure that you have enough water consumption during the whole day. However, it would be good to take an appropriate amount of water drinking excessive water may also cause harm.
  • Make yourself stress free and enjoy moments with your baby. This way you will feel good and relaxed while feeding your baby.
  • Fenugreek is considered to be one of the herbs which increase milk supply in the body. Take appropriate dosage of this herb. It would be good to consult your doctor before taking any such herbs.
  • Do not give any other food supplement like juice or other solid food to your baby. This would reduce his nursing time. Hence this will reduce the stimulation of milk production.
  • Protein and calcium are known for increasing milk production in the body. Take food stuffs which are enriched with protein and calcium to increase the milk production. A balanced and healthy diet plays a vital role in milk production in body.
  • Breast massage increases milk production in the body. You can massage your breasts whenever you need. This would help in stimulating the milk production in the body.
  • Finally, if you find none of the above methods working then it would be better to consult your doctor.

Common Breast Conditions during Pregnancy

One of the most common changes during the first pregnancy is the change in tissues of the breasts as it prepares itself for breast feeding. However there are also some other changes noticed during the first pregnancy.

One such change noticed is the pain in the breast. It is a common symptom in the first three months. Some women also get this pain with the commencement of period. So this change often goes unnoticed. It is one of the reasons why women avoid sex in the first three months. Sex during pregnancy is safe but the touch on the nipples is generally avoided.
Another change is in the nipples. The colour of the nipples becomes darker and larger as one’s pregnancy advances. Among the normal symptoms in the nipples are pimples and small goose bump on the white areas on the areola. This is known as Montgomery’s tubercles.
Yet another change noticed from fourth to sixth month is the enlargement of the breast. This is again due to the change of the tissues in the breast and a preparation taken to nurture the coming child. Leaking of Colostrums is a common symptom during the late pregnancy. It is often noticed that a golden colored fluid comes out of the breast or a coating is formed on the nipple during the late pregnancy. This substance is known as Colostrums. To avoid this being noticed breast pads are generally used.

In some cases it has been seen that women have slight or no change of breast. But this does not mean an inability to nurture a child. There are innumerable prejudices and wrong conception about breast feeding during pregnancy.
There is a myth that if the colostrums do not come out before the baby is born then one cannot expect breast milk. But in reality Colostrums can come at any point of time even just after the birth of the baby. Again some people believe that the nipples should be rubbed during the pregnancy in order to avoid pain during breastfeeding. But in fact this experiment has not proved to be successful and pain during breast feeding is felt due to dislocation of the child position during feeding. Thirdly people believe that they cannot feed their child with larger and bigger areola but the truth is that the larger and darker areola enables the babies to see properly.
Some have an idea that small breast produce insufficient milk to the baby. But it the need of the baby and not the size that determine the amount of milk produced.